11 members of Oxted Offshore and 4 boats cast off for Bembridge on the Isle of White during the last weekend in July for the Oxted Offshore Summer Rally. With low water occurring late morning on Saturday it was a little challenging getting over the bar at Bembridge but it was worth it to discover such a lovely little harbour. The marina staff and facilities were good and we managed to get all boats moored for around 18:00 in time for Commodores Cocktails on Degree of Latitude.

Rafted up at Bembridge

Jus Chillin arriving at Bembridge
We treated ourselves to some very enjoyable cocktails on board Degree of Latitude with some of the girls escaping over to Jus Chillin to try out the contents of its rear deck fridge.

Commodores Cocktails on Degree of Latitude

OXO Girls enjoying a cool one on Jus Chillin
Dinner followed and we made our way over the sand dunes to a lovely little restaurant called Baywatch On The Beach which had excellent views of the eastern solent. We all enjoyed a good fish dinner before trailing back over the sand dunes in the dark for an impromptu after-party on Jus Chillin.

OXO Dinner at Baywatch on the Beach

OXO Dinner at Baywatch on the Beach